Hormone Profile Lab Testing

Anti-Aging, Functional, & Regenerative Medicine located in Montebello, NY

Hormone Profile Lab Testing

About Hormone Profile Lab Testing

Hormone profile lab testing provides a quick, convenient way to learn more about your hormone levels and whether they’re balanced. At Regenerative Services in Montebello, New York, anti-aging, functional medicine, and regenerative medicine specialist Marina Novie, FNP, provides hormone profile lab testing on-site. This painless test determines the cause of various symptoms, including hot flashes, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction (ED). Call Regenerative Services to schedule a hormone profile lab testing consultation, or book your appointment online today.

Hormone Profile Lab Testing Q&A

What is hormone profile lab testing?

A hormone profile lab test measures your body’s specific level of hormones. It provides a quick, effective way to screen for hormone imbalances caused by health problems or aging.

After Marina reviews your results, she recommends personalized treatment. You don’t need to do anything if your hormones are within the optimal range. However, if Marina determines you have an imbalance due to menopause or a medical condition, she creates a plan to restore your hormone balance.

Am I a candidate for hormone profile lab testing?

Consider hormone profile lab testing at Regenerative Services if you have symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, or low testosterone. These symptoms include:

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sleep problems
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Hair loss
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Low libido
  • Fatigue

Hormone imbalances also cause heart problems, like a rapid (tachycardic) or slow (bradycardic) heartbeat or heart palpitations (arrhythmia). Identifying the cause of any of these symptoms is crucial. Treatment prevents them from getting worse and improves your quality of life.

What does hormone profile lab testing involve?

A hormone profile lab test is a quick outpatient procedure. Marina usually prescribes this screen as part of your annual physical exam. That’s especially true if you’re 40 or older and are beginning to experience symptoms of perimenopause or low testosterone.

Marina collects several vials of blood from a vein in your arm and sends them to a lab for analysis. She might also order other blood tests, like an insulin or glucose tolerance test, since hormone levels fluctuate throughout the day. These additional tests provide a more complete picture of your hormone levels.

What if my hormone profile lab test confirms an imbalance?

Marina develops a personalized treatment plan if your hormone profile lab test confirms a hormone imbalance. Usually, this includes healthy lifestyle changes, like regular exercise and a balanced diet.

She could also prescribe medications like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). These treatments use synthetic (lab-made) hormones to restore your hormone levels to balance, reducing uncomfortable symptoms.

Marina monitors your hormone levels at regular checkups, adjusting your treatment plan and hormone dosages as needed.

Call Regenerative Services to schedule a hormone profile lab testing appointment, or book your visit online today.